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#3F968D #c7c7c7 #f0f0f0
.File Name: foodeater.carrd.html
.Location: C:\ intp \ taurus \ '03 fossil

File Details
name: I go by Len or Lennon🎸
other usernames: food eater/ailluelle
i make carrdz for fun ( 灬´ ˘ `灬 )
current interest: #edogawa_ranpo

ㅤRecently playedㅤ 
Star overheadFooL on CooL
想い切りCrying end roll
Luv(sic)Luv(sic) Hexalogy

☆☆☆ king gnu, VAUNDY, sakata, the pillowsㅤ
ㅤ☆☆ utaite, indigo la endㅤ
ㅤ☆ vocaloid, yonezu kenshi, sakanaction, chelmicoㅤ
ㅤㅤBACKㅤㅤㅤㅤ.....‣ playing cardcaptor sakura

🔎Anime... samurai champloo, hxh, bananafish, kino no tabi. jjba, precure, tatami galaxy, paswg, seishun buta, dragon maid, sk8, utena, naruto, bsd, ousama ranking, cardcaptor sakura, flip flappers, zomblieland saga, michiko e hatchin etc🔎Manga... our dreams at dusk doukyuusei, seaside stranger mashle, tokrev, csm, soul eater, death note, ganbare nakamura, ,,🔎Games... yakuza, proseka uhhh
ㅤi'm not much of a gamer these days (´ω`)

Favorites☆ inosuke, ranpo, leorio, majima, yato, joseph, josuke, ash lynx, ryuji, shikamaru, twice, mob, kino, mirio, bojji, stocking, aki